Authorisations - Ticket Management Guidance

Authorisations - Ticket Management Guidance


The purpose of this article is to show the process which Authorisations should follow when receiving Tickets into Zoho Desk, how to manually add tickets, and how Desk works in the background, to enable full understanding of the end-to-end process.

Blueprints, Status', and Transitions

In Zoho Desk there is a function called Blueprint.  A Blueprint is a process map which allows for the same process to be followed consistently and on each ticket when working in the Desk system.

The above blueprint is triggered when a new ticket comes into Desk (via Email or the Help Centre) for the Authorisations team.  The boxes in white are the Status’, and the lines coming from those in green and black are known as Transitions.

Status’ are the point at which a ticket is currently in e.g. a ticket’s status could be “With Adviser”.  This means that anyone looking at this ticket wanting to know what is happening with it will know that the ticket is currently with the adviser to provide further information about the query.

Transitions are there to show you what the next available step is.  For instance, you may want to show that you have passed a query on to another Tenet department, in which case you would click “Passed to internal department” so that the status of the ticket is updated from “Query Received” to “Referred”.

When opening a ticket, you will see the current status on the bottom left-hand side in a blue bar, and the next available transitions to the right of this.  To move through the Status’, you would simply click on the relevant transition button. Dependent on the transition, you may be asked to complete information before you can move onto the next state.

When adding a manual ticket (for phone calls), the blueprint is not triggered, and you will only have the option at the bottom of the ticket to 'Close Ticket'.

What is a ticket?

Tickets are support requests/queries/questions/enquiries that are submitted by our advisers, paraplanners, admin and anyone working at a Tenet firm who holds a valid Tenet io licence.  Tickets in Desk can contain support conversations/responses/replies, as well as other properties, such as priority, category, and status. 

What are modules?

Modules are the tabs you will find at the top of the Desk screen.  By clicking on these it will take you to the relevant area of the system that you need. These modules might vary slightly to the below, dependent on your permissions.

What does Desk look like and how does it work?

This section will describe what the symbols in Desk relate to and how the generic process of tickets coming into Desk works:

  1. An individual sends an email to – these emails are then automatically rerouted to Desk
  2. When a new ticket has been received into Desk, the following type of alert will be displayed:

  1. From the here you can see:
    1. the name of the individual who has sent the email (example: Mervyn Peake)
    2. the firm they are related to (example: Umbrella Investments Ltd (TCL) (TEST NAME CHANGE 2)
    3. what time the ticket was received (example: 11:06AM)
    4. who the ticket is assigned to (example: this ticket is assigned to Kim Delahaye.  If the ticket was unassigned there is no photo available on the right-hand side and if you were to hover over the ticket it would say unassigned)
  2. Click on the ticket to open it
  3. Once open, a screen similar to the below will appear:

  1. On the top left hand side information about the individual pulled from CRM can be found. This includes their name, the firm they are related to, and their email address
  2. “Assigned to” is who the ticket is assigned to.  If the ticket is “Unassigned”, this can be assigned by clicking on the circle and choosing the relevant staff member from the dropdown options:

  1. The “status” of the ticket is defined by the blueprint, so this will be locked on the left-hand side and can only be changed using the blueprint at the bottom of the ticket
  2. “Due date” is relating to the very maximum that a ticket should be resolved by
  3.  “Response due date” is when the first response to an individual should be provided (the SLA)
  4.  “CC’s” is if the individual raising the ticket has CC’ed anyone else into the ticket
  5.  “Brand” will be automatically pulled through from Zoho CRM
  6.  “Query Type” is what will need to be completed by the person/people manning the inbound queries

Categorising tickets using query types

It is vital that the Query Type is completed in order for the ticket to be assigned to the correct staff member to deal with.  The Query Types are also important for MI and reporting purposes. In order to do this, a number of query types have been created within the ticket layout. When a ticket comes into Authorisations, the person/people picking that up will need to read the body of the ticket and categorise the query using the dropdown options as per the instructions below: 

  1. On opening a ticket, you will find the Query Type to the left-hand side of the ticket:

  1. "Query type” is what category the ticket fits into (this is a Mandatory field and must be completed as this will help to provide better MI):

  1. Below is the full list of Query Types:
    1. Add / Remove Licences
    2. Agency
    3. Application Queries
    4. Change of Details
    5. Documentation Uploading
    6. General Query
    7. Introducer Set Up
    8. References - Incoming
    9. Resignations
    10. Suspensions
    11. Terminations
    1. If the ticket is relating to “General Query” you will need to choose the relevant option and then fill in the “Other Information” box for any supporting information about the ticket:

    1. If the ticket is relating to "References - Incoming", you will need to choose the relevant option and then select the relevant item in the "Associated Type" drop down box for any supporting information about the ticket:

    1. The options to select in the "Associated Type" field are:
      1. Arranger
      2. Regulated
    1. If the ticket is relating to “Resignations”, "Suspensions" or "Terminations", you will need to choose the relevant option and then select the relevant item in the "Type” drop down box for any supporting information about the ticket:

    1. The options to select in the “Type” field are:
      1. AR
      2. RI
    2. You must click "Save" once any or all of the above information has been completed.

Understanding the body of the ticket

  1. At the top of the ticket you will see something similar to the below example. Below we have detailed information on those tabs that you are likely to use:
  2. The # followed by a number (example: #2663) is the number of the ticket. This is extremely important as this links any responses you send, or the individual sends back in relation to this ticket and keeps them altogether. This number must not be amended.
  3. The time (example: 10:28am) is when the ticket was created
  4. “Followers” relates to if anyone one else is following this ticket. This may be used if someone is interested to know the answer to a ticket so wants to follow it to see what has been said
  5. “Tags” are words that your team may use to determine trends across tickets to highlight certain tickets with certain tags
  6. “Conversation” or “Thread” means the view of the details within the ticket. If “Conversation” is chosen then this will show all comments and all emails relating to this ticket, whether that is from an adviser or an internal member of staff. If “Thread” is chosen, then this will just show the email trail between you and the person who has raised the ticket e.g. the adviser
  7. “Resolution” should be used if there is a case whereby you have started a conversation with an adviser via a ticket but need to call the adviser to resolve the query, so no resolution is sent via the ticket trail. Likewise, if a query comes in via phone and you tell the person calling the answer there and then, the resolution can be added in this section.  A Tenet group wide consensus is that this tab should not be used.
  8. “Time entry” is how long has been spent on a ticket. If the automatic time tracking is on then this will be completed automatically, if not, you will need to click on the plus icon in here when starting on a ticket to begin the time
  9. “Attachment” is where any attachments for this thread would be stored
  10. “Activities” relate to any tasks that you may want to add in relation to this ticket, for example, if you wanted to set a task to remember to do something at a later date
  11. “Approvals” is not a section that we will currently be using.
  12. “History” relates to the timeline of the ticket e.g. when it was created, when it was last updated, who updated the status etc.
  13. The blue arrow icon is the reply button which enables you to respond to the ticket

  1. When responding to a ticket, once you have clicked the blue reply button, you will When responding to a ticket, once you have clicked the blue reply button, you will see the following taskbar.  The icon circled below is where you will access the email templates

  1. In the email templates you can create various templates relating to your department.  Once templates have been created, you can choose which one you wish to use by clicking on the relevant template.  The templates are editable so you can personalise them and add anything further should you wish.
  2. The speech bubble icon enables you to send a private comment to another member of staff by putting the @ symbol and their name e.g. @daniellethewsey this could be used if you needed some support with the ticket and had a quick question for another member of staff. You must ensure that the Comment button states that it is Private before sending. You will find that you can only @ members of staff that are in your department.  Should you want to message a member of staff in another department, just write a private comment and then share/move the ticket with/to another department, they will be able to read/see the comment.

  1. You will find that you can only @ members of staff that are in your department.  Should you want to message a member of staff in another department, just write a private comment and then share/move the ticket with/to another department, they will be able to read/see the comment.

Dealing with Tasks

Some Query Types have associated Tasks set up for completion.  These Tasks should be marked as completed before you Resolve the ticket:
  1. Additional Licences
  2. Change of Details
  3. Introducer Set Up
  4. References - Arranger (Associated Type) only
  5. References - Regulated (Associated Type) only
  6. Resignation - RI (Type) only
  7. Suspension 
  8. Termination
You can view the Tasks associated with a ticket here:

Once you have clicked on this tab the associated Tasks will be listed:

To open a Task just click on the relevant one:

This will then show you all the information relating to that Task:

You can provide a comment on the task (not mandatory) and then click 'Mark As Complete'
This will remove the Task from the list of 'Upcoming Tasks', however, you can change this view to show 'All Activities' and the Task will be shown there as 'Completed'.

You can also mark a Task as 'Complete' without having to go into the Task itself:

Authorisations process

Ticket Assignment

The tickets that come into Authorisations will be automatically assigned to Vicky De Val or Lottie Smith via a Round Robin.

There is currently a threshold of 100 open tickets an agent can handle at any given time.  Once this threshold is reached, tickets will remain unassigned, until an agents threshold is reduced.

Dealing with a ticket that has been allocated to you

  1. When a ticket is allocated to you, you will receive a notification on the top right-hand side of the screen under “notifications”:

  1. The ticket will also appear in bold in the inbox on Desk, and the ticket will jump to the top of the queue like it would in an ordinary email inbox:

  1. You can then either click on the notification or if you already in the Tickets module, click on the ticket to open it
  2. You will be able to update the Query Type and other information down the left-hand side of the ticket.  Some of this information will be automatically updated from the CRM system when the ticket is created.
  3. You will be able to see additional information about the Adviser by clicking the CRM link under the Adviser name.

  1. This will then display additional information about the Adviser from CRM.

  1. You can also view the details of the Adviser in CRM from within the ticket.  Selecting this will open a new tab in which the CRM record is displayed.

  1. You will also need to update the status of the ticket using the blueprint transition buttons as per the example below

Using the Blueprint

When a new ticket is received, you will be presented with the main 5 possible transitions:
  1. Pass to Internal Department
  2. Request info from Adviser
  3. Start Work
    1. From this transition you will also be able to use the following transitions:
      1. Request info from 3rd Party
      2. Pause Work
        1. From this transition you will also be able to use the following transition:
          1. Restart Work
  4. Resolved Pending Response
  5. Query Resolved

Pass to Internal Department

If the ticket needs to be referred to another Tenet department you will need to record this information.  There are two processes to follow dependent upon whether the receiving department are on Desk.

If the department are not on Desk:
  1. You will firstly need to forward the email to relevant department with any message you wish to add to the trail:

  1. You can then put the email address of the department in the “recipients” box on the email, write your message, and then click “Send”:

If the department is on Desk:
  1. You can share a ticket with a department that is using Zoho Desk, you can do so by “Sharing” the ticket.  Firstly you will need to add a private comment to the ticket for the other department, whether this be a question to ask or a note to mention.  To share the ticket, click on the 3 ellipses to the right-hand side of the ticket where you will be presented with the below options:
  2. Once you click on “Share” you can choose the relevant department you wish to share the ticket with using the dropdown options:

    1. To find further information on how to Forward, Move and Share tickets, please see relevant section below for more scenarios.

Regardless of which of the above scenarios you have followed, you should click on “Pass to Internal Department” where you will be presented with the below options. You will need to record which other Tenet department the query has been passed to and include a comment relating to why the ticket is being passed on.

Press ‘Complete Transition’ when ready. This will then put the ticket on hold until you receive a response.


The following Transitions will now be available for use.

Request info from Adviser

If you need further information from the Adviser, you can do so by clicking “Request info from Adviser”.

If you click on “Request info from Adviser”, you will be presented with the below screen.  You can then email what further information you require from the Adviser.

Press ‘Complete Transition’ when ready. This will then put the ticket on hold until you receive a response.


The following Transitions will now be available for use.

Start Work

Depending on the Query Type you will have certain time frames to complete the SLA.  Using the “Start Work” transition you are able to work on the ticket.  This will have an open status of “Work In Progress”.

The following Transitions will now be available for use.

As you can see there is a Transition which will allow you to “Pause Work”, so if you need to put this on hold for any reason you can select the “Pause Work” transition. This will then mark the status as "On Hold".

Once you are ready to commence the work on the ticket, you can select “Restart Work” transition and the status again reverts to open and “Work In Progress”.

You will have also noticed that from the status of "Work In Progress", there is an additional transition of "Request info from 3rd Party", see the next section for more information about this transition.

Request info from 3rd Party

If you need further information from a 3rd Party, you can do so by clicking “Request info from 3rd Party”.

If you click on “Request info from 3rd Party”, you will be presented with the below screen.  You can then put the email address of the 3rd Party in the “recipients” box on the email and write your message.


Press ‘Complete Transition’ when ready. This will then put the ticket on hold until you receive a response.


The following Transitions will now be available for use.

Please note: when you forward or send an email to someone other than the person who raised the ticket, when you do want to respond to the person who has raised the ticket, you will need to check the email address in the “recipients” box before sending the email.  If required you might have to retype the correct email address before sending the email.

Resolved Pending Response

When using the Blueprint, you can respond to the Adviser, but not actually close the ticket.  This will allow the Adviser time to view your response and get back to you if they have any further queries.

If you click on “Resolved Pending Response”, you will be presented with the below screen.  You can then email your response to the Adviser.

Press ‘Complete Transition’ when ready. This will then put the ticket on hold until you receive a response.

The following Transitions will now be available for use.

Query Resolved

When you are happy that a ticket has been resolved, you must click on the ‘Query Resolved’ button to do so.  This will bring up a box which will enable you to respond to the query:

Replying to an Open ticket

If you need to send the adviser a response, but are not yet ready to resolve the ticket, you can do so by following the below instructions

  1. Click “Reply” at the top-right hand side of the ticket

  1. This will then log the reply within the body of the ticket like an email chain/thread, and when the adviser responds, this will also show in the ticket chain/thread

How to re-open a ticket if required

The system is set so that if a ticket is closed and a reply comes in, it will keep the ticket as Closed. The idea of this is that more often than not, when a ticket has been resolved, if another response is received it could just be to thank the staff member or acknowledge receipt.

If a genuine response comes into a closed ticket that requires actioning, the ticket can be re-open by using the instructions below:

  1. Open the ticket
  1. Click on “Reopen Ticket” at the bottom right-hand side of the screen:

Manually inputting a ticket

Until the telephone integration work is complete, you will need to manually enter any tickets that come about from a phone call by following the below instructions:

  1. On the top right-hand side of the screen, click the + sign, then “Ticket”:

  1. This will bring up the Ticket Layout. On the Contact Name, you can start to type in the name of the contact and if it is a record already in Zoho CRM then you will be able to choose it from the list, and this will prepopulate the Firm Name and Email Address. Alternatively, you can use the magnifying glass to the right of the Contact Name field, and search from there:

  1. You will then need to complete the Query Type and the Subject.  It is always best practice to include something in the Description also.
    1. Please note:- when we go live with the Help Centre - the Adviser will be able to see that description when you are adding something in the box so to please refrain from using slang or such like (for example, you may want to write something such as “Joe Bloggs called in to discuss XXX” etc).
  2. Once complete, you can click Submit to create the ticket

Dealing with Encrypted emails

When an Encrypted email comes into Desk and creates the ticket, you should then log into the browser to retrieve the information, save it to a Word document, then attach it to the attachments tab of the ticket (see screenshot example below) for the audit trail:

This will mean the attachment is attached to the ticket but will not send it to the recipient.  You could then put on a Private comment to mention that the attachment has the context of the email in:

Using and creating email templates

Using email templates

To enable quicker responses to the types of queries you receive on a regular basis, there is the ability to store email templates.  You can access these templates by clicking the button from the body of the ticket and selecting the email template you would like to use: 

Creating email templates

To enable you to create your own email templates for the department as and when required, you can do so by navigating to the cog at the top right hand of the screen,

And then click on “Templates” under Customization:

Here you must click on “Add” and then choose “New Template” from the dropdown options.  A folder has been created called “Authorisations Templates” for you to store any new templates in:

In the New Email Template, you will need to complete the name of the template, which folder you wish to store it in, ensure the “From address” is set to the correct email address, and type in the subject name:

You can then type the template email in the “Message box”, using any of the toolbar to change the Font type, size, and colour, and align the text:

Should you wish to add any information into the body of the template that can be pulled from the ticket or Zoho CRM, you can do so by using the “Insert Placeholders” on the top right-hand side of the message:

When used, this email template will pull through the relevant information from the ticket to populate the details.

Liaising with other departments

Dependent on the department you wish to liaise with on a ticket, will depend on the method you will need to use.  At the moment, Technology Support, Payment Services, Research Hub, Compliance Help Desk and AST Admin are the only other department’s using Desk, so those have been used as examples within this guidance. As more and more departments are moved onto Desk, you will be able to use the same scenarios with those departments too.

Scenario 1 – Authorisations will own the query, but need Technology Support/Payment Services/Research Hub/Compliance Help Desk and AST Admin’s assistance in providing an answer

As the 5 named department above are currently using Desk, you can liaise with them through Desk on any tickets. If you have a query where your department will own it and respond to the adviser, but you need some information from another department which uses Desk, then you can “share” the ticket with them by following the below instructions:
  1. Open the relevant ticket, click on the 3 ellipses to the right of the ticket, and click “Share"

  1. You must then choose from the dropdown options, the department you wish to share the ticket with. In this case, Technology Support:

  1. From here, you can determine how you wish to share the ticket with the department.  You will need to click “Read Only Access” which will enable the staff member from the other department to read the ticket and comment back to you, but they will not be able to contact the adviser from the ticket:

Scenario 2 – A ticket has been received into Authorisations which is not for this department and needs to be sent to another Desk department

When a ticket comes into Authorisations that is actually for another Desk department, as they are also using the Desk system, you can “move” the ticket to them through the system to ensure they have visibility by following the below instructions:

  1. Open the ticket and reply to the adviser to let them know that the ticket will be passed to the Technology Support team
  2. Click on the 3 ellipses to the right of the ticket, and click “Move”:

  1. You can then choose the relevant department from the dropdown options

To send a ticket to a department not currently using Desk, you will need to follow the below instructions:

  1. Open the ticket
  2. Click on the Forward button, located when you hover over the Reply button at the top right-hand side of the ticket

  1. In the “To” box, enter the email address of the department you wish to forward the query to:

  1. Click Send once the email has been composed
  2. You will then need to click on the “Passed to internal department” on the blueprint to record where the information has been sent to.
  3. Once a reply has been received from the department, you will be able to respond to the original query by finding the original query within the thread, clicking on the 3 ellipses to the right-hand side, and click Reply. This will ensure that you are only responding to the adviser query, without sending the whole email trail:

Ticket Views

How to show only the tickets you need to see

When in the Tickets module, on the top left-hand side you can use the dropdown to determine which tickets you wish to see in your list.

If you have a view that you wish to keep as a favourite, you can click on the view and once it appears at the top click on the star next to it to add as a favourite.

How to view 'Customer Responded Tickets'

The system has been set up so that if a new reply to a closed ticket comes in, it will not re-open the ticket.  The purpose of this is so that if somebody just replies to say thank you, you don't need to go back through the blueprint to close the ticket again.  There may be instances where the Adviser does send a genuine response to a closed ticket, therefore you are encouraged to include 'Customer Responded Tickets' in your Starred Views.
  1. Search for 'Customer Responded Tickets' in the list of Ticket Views

  1. Click on the star next to 'Customer Responded Tickets

  1. The 'Customer Responded Tickets' list will now appear in your starred view

These will be marked as bold in the inbox anyway, but by checking this Ticket View, you will have more of a chance of catching the response.

How to edit how you view the tickets

There are several ways to view the tickets on screen, all of which can be chosen from the top right-hand side of the Tickets module.


Classic view
Similar to an email inbox view:

Compact view
Similar to an email inbox view:

Table view
More detailed information displayed such as Firm Name, Ticket Owner and how the ticket has been created:

Status mode
Lists the tickets according to which status they hold e.g. “With 1st Line”, “With Intelliflo Development Team” etc:

Countdown mode
Lists the tickets according to when they are due:

Priority mode
Lists the tickets according to their priority of High, Medium, or Low:

How to see tickets relating to an adviser

If you want to see an overall picture of the tickets an adviser has sent in previously, you can do so by following the below process:

  1. Click on Contacts module
  2. Click on relevant adviser name
  3. A view similar to the below will appear listing an overview of all their tickets:

How to view tickets shared from other Departments

When a ticket is shared to your department, everyone in the department will be notified. To see this ticket, you will need to go to the “Shared Tickets” in the Views list:

Merging, cloning and splitting tickets

Merging tickets

If you have more than 1 ticket open for an adviser that relates to the same query and you want to merge the tickets rather than keep them separate, you can do so by following the below process:

Click to the left-hand side of each of the tickets you wish to merge in the Tickets module to select them

  1. Click “Merge” at the top which will appear once the boxes have been ticked

  1. The first created ticket in the selected list is set as the Master Record by default.  The values selected from the other records will be merged with the Master Record.  All related records including Attachments, Tasks and Products will be associated with the newly merged record.  Select from the tickets to the right which fields you would like to merge, and click “Merge” when complete

Cloning tickets

There may be certain scenarios where you will need to clone a ticket. For instance, if there are a number of statements that need chasing up with providers and lenders so therefore need putting into the ticket queue, one ticket could be created with all the relevant detail in for one statement, and then this could be cloned and only the relevant fields updated for each cloned ticket e.g. changing the amount. This will ensure there is a new ticket for each “job” that is needed to be done and will stop the requirement for lots of re-typing. You can clone tickets by following the below instructions: 
  1. Open the ticket
  2. Click on the 3 ellipses to the right-hand side and click Clone:

  1. This will then take you to the ticket layout, where you can update/amend any required information and click Submit to save


Splitting tickets

In some instances, an adviser might respond to your Closed ticket with a brand-new query.  In order for this to be logged as a new ticket, you will need to "split" the ticket out.
In order to do this, you will need to:
  1. Locate the adviser's reply in which you wish to create a new ticket, and click on the 3 ellipses to the right-hand side:

  1. Click "Split as new Ticket", where it will ask you to confirm that you wish to split the ticket.  If so, click "Yes":

  1. A box will then appear to tell you which ticket has been created:

  1. You can then go to your Tickets module and locate the new ticket

Reporting in Desk

Alongside existing reporting functionality there is a new folder of reports that are specific to your team.

You have the ability to create new reports should you wish.

From the Reporting module you can also access information relating to Customer Happiness Ratings:

Dealing with your personal inbox

On occasion you may find that advisers email your personal inbox with a query rather than emailing the Authorisations inbox.  If this happens, you will need to ensure that the email is sent to the Authorisations inbox so it can be logged on Desk:

  1. Forward the email from your personal inbox to Desk
  2. If the email address that the adviser has used is in CRM, the ticket will be created in the name of the adviser who has sent it in 

Setting up your email signature, location and photo

Setting up your email signature

Each staff member must create their own auto signature.  The following screens take you through the process of creating this.

  1. Click on  in top right-hand corner (next to photo) and the following page will be displayed:

  1. Under ‘CUSTOMIZATION’ select ‘Templates’ and the ‘Email Templates’ page will appear.  Scroll down the page to the ‘Authorisations – Templates’ section and click on ‘Auto signature’.

  1. Highlight the information held in the message section and click ‘Ctrl + C’.


  1. Then in the left-and column select ‘Personal Settings’.  The ‘Edit My Information’ page is displayed.


  1. Select ‘Preferences’ in left hand menu and the ‘Preferences’ page will appear.

  1. Scroll down the page to ‘Signature’ and click View Signature, the following page will appear.

  1. The following page appears to allow you to create your signature

  1. You will be able to select any team from the drop-down list, but unless you need a different auto signature for different teams, you would be best to select Default Signature*

  1. Now you can paste the information you copied from the ‘Email Template’.  Amend the information to have your name and job title and if needed you can amend the email address to be relevant to your role.

  1. Click ‘Save’ and your auto signature will be saved.

Setting your location

In order to ensure that the date field is set to the UK format, you will need to change your settings. In order to do this, you will need to:

  1. Click on the Cog at the top right-hand side of the screen and navigate to ‘Personal Settings’

  1. Under Personal Setting, click 'Preferences'

  1. You will then need to ensure that your language is set to English, Country Locale is set to United Kingdom, and the Time Zone is set appropriately (see below):

  1. This will ensure that any date fields show in the UK format.  You can also change the ‘Country Locale’ by clicking ‘My Information’.

  1. Then click “More…”

  1. You will need to ensure that your language is set to English, Country Locale is set to United Kingdom, and the Time Zone is set appropriately (see below)

  1. Click “Save”

Either of these ways to set your ‘Country Locale’ will ensure that any date fields show in the UK format.

Setting your Photo

When we go live with the Help Centre, we would prefer it if the Advisers can see who is dealing with their tickets.  For this reason you will need to include a work appropriate photo to your Desk profile.
The steps below show how you can add your photo to your desk profile.
  1. Click on the Cog at the top right-hand side of the screen and navigate to ‘Personal Settings’

  1. Then hover over the picture/blank space that is currently there, you will be able to upload a photo and then click "Save":

Hints, Tips and Things to Know

Agent ticket collision

If you are working on a ticket and somebody else has opened/is looking at the same ticket, the system will inform you of this, highlighting the notification bubble on the left-hand side of the ticket.

Edit ticket (pencil on left-hand side column of info)

If you want to be able to see the full view of the ticket information, you can do so by clicking on the small pencil at the top left hand side of the ticket (see below):

This will then allow you to edit the ticket.

The Contacts module in Desk is populated by the information in Zoho CRM.

How to check if tickets have gone into the spam folder

On occasion you may get some tickets going into “Spam Tickets” (just like when you sometimes get emails going into Junk).  You can find these under the ticket views:

They’ll mostly be proper junk if anyone goes in there, but it’s worth checking every now and again or if something goes missing as it might be in there.

If they are genuine tickets, if you right click on the left-hand side of them, you will be able to mark them as not Spam so they move to your main tickets box and don’t go into Spam again.

How to deal with spam tickets

If you receive any spam tickets you are best to forward them as you would do in outlook, then if you go back into the main ticket view, you can tick those that are spam and then select ‘Mark Spam’ at the top of list.  This would mean that they would not come into the main inbox again.

How to remember which tickets go to who and how

F – forward - non-Desk departments and 3rd parties
M – move – if a ticket is for another Desk department
S – share – if a ticket needs help from another Desk department

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